
The common traits of common groups

Not every hipster wears plaid and likes Bon Iver, and not every Wall Street investment banker wears a vest and parties hard. But some characteristics of these groups are prevalent enough to form an archetype, and that’s what we explore here.

Icon of a banker
Icon of a hipster


Hipsters are united by their love for plaid button downs, unique beards, and craft beer

Icon of a fraternity brother with sunglasses, tank top, and sideways hat

Frat Bros

The college male who enjoys date parties, tank tops, and keg stands

Icon of a banker

Banker Bros

Patagonia vests, weekends in the Hamptons, and a work hard, play harder mentality

Icon of an emo person, modelled after Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy

Emo People

A brooding demeanor, black wardrobe, and love for sad songs define this category